Couples Awakening Intimacy opens up heartfelt communication, where both partners genuinely feel heard, not just the words, but the feeling underneath the words. Instead of circular arguments that end up hurting each other more, couples learn how to achieve real freedom from the past hurts and let go of blame. If you have ever wondered why you are with the partner you are with, that question will be clearly answered. Sometimes in relationships, there is so much anger, guilt and shame that it is hard to take any steps forward. It’s as though the past builds up as armor over our hearts and baggage we carry into any new moment. 

At the Couples Awakening Intimacy Retreat, you begin to let go of that baggage and strip away the armor from your heart, so that you can see your partner with your heart. This Retreat is designed for ALL romantic partnerships. Whether you have been dating for six months are beginning to think of popping the question, but want to be absolutely certain or if you have been together for nearly 50 years, Couples Awakening Intimacy will allow you to clarify, explore and expand your vision for your relationship - so that it isn’t a pipe dream, but begins to come into reality. 

The Couples Awakening Workshop will focus on the exploration of the growth offered through a romantic relationship and how to dive into that opportunity, expanding each partner in the process. This experiential workshop will allow couples to: 

Clarify, explore and expand your vision for your relationship;  

Illuminate patterns from your family of origin and where these patterns are supporting and getting in the way of intimacy, love and connection;  

Learn how to fight fairly, expressing upset fully without damaging your relationship, but rather forwarding it;  

Nurture and develop your capacity to like and respect your partner for who they are.  

Solve solvable problems and surrender to those that are not “solve-able.”  

Continue to live into the highest potential of your partnership;  

Warm, comfortable private lodging provided as well as nourishing meals in a family-style environment.

There have been couples who have an appointment with a divorce attorney scheduled on Monday morning following the retreat. I can think of a few couples who kept the appointment and proceeded to have divorces without acrimony, discord and killing each other. There have also been plenty of couples who had divorce lawyers scheduled, but then cancelled the divorce entirely, and are still married - but now happily - years later. Here is the good news, most of what you are arguing about has nothing to do with what you are arguing about. It’s really about what is underneath. 

At the Couples Awakening Intimacy Retreat, you will begin to understand what is at the heart of every argument, not just with your head, but with your full heart. Most of us put effort into our careers, time and attention into being parents, but we expect our romantic partnership to simply go along from day to day, investing precious little work into it. 

The Retreat offers not only tangible tools and techniques for you to use upon leaving, but it also offers the perspective of other couples who are walking the same path in a safe, warm, nurturing environment.

Indicate in very specific terms the results that you want to achieve through your participation in this workshop:

Please note a MINIMUM $500 deposit. The balance of your tuition is non-refundable within six weeks prior to the beginning of the training. Should you cancel before six weeks of the training, $1500 refundable.
By checking this box, I understand and agree to these terms.By checking this box, I understand and agree to these terms.

Lynne E. Sheridan - LMFT, Transformation Trainer

Lynne is a relationship expert, with a wealth of experience in working with couples to truly connect, with a depth of intimacy, understanding and compassion through four levels of intensive Couples Retreats. She knows all too well the investment that it takes to be successful in business, but the price shouldn’t be the loss of love her intensive retreats come out of the vison for the genuine experience of life working across-the-board.

Workshop Session



    FULL TUITION. Includes meals and lodging.

    Price $2,395.00

  • Deposit


    Yes! We are in, hold our spot!
    Balance Due: Oct. 7, 2024.
    * 'Earlybird' price applies to deposits if paid by Sept. 20 and paid in full by October 1, 2024.

    Price $500.00

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